Could you please explain all firearm-related abbreviations from FAQ?
  • CFO:      Chief Firearms Officer. CFOs are responsible for administrative work and decisions related to licenses, transfers etc.
  • CFP :     Canadian Firearms Program
  • CRFSC: Canadian Restricted Firearms Safety Course
  • CFSC:    Canadian Firearms Safety Course
  • PAL :      Possession and Acquisition Licence
  • RPAL :   Restricted PAL
  • ATC :     Authorization To Carry
  • ATT:       Authorization To Transport. 

ACTS&PROVE:  1. Assume any firearm is loaded; 2. Control the muzzle direction; 3. Trigger finger off the trigger and out of the trigger guard; 4. See it is unloaded and PROVE it is safe. PROVE: Point the firearm in the safest available direction; Remove all cartridges; Observe the chamber; Verify the feeding path; Examine the bore.


How do you get your PAL license?

First, assess your eligibility (you cannot have a criminal record or prohibitions to own firearms etc.) Then – take the PAL course (CFSC and/or CRFSC safety training). Upon successful completion of your safety training, you may fill in application form (5592 if you are 18+ or 5485 for minors) and send it to RCMP. More precisely:


Take a safety course and get certificate;

Fill out an application form 5592 or 5485 (for minors you have to call the CFO);

Include photo as described in the form;

You will need a Photo Guarantor sign the photo (validating that the person on photo is you);

References - 2 people should sign your application (and, yes, RCMP will definitely call them);

Your spouse should sign it as well (tough problem in case of separation or divorce);

Pay an application fee (described in the form);

Send the paperwork to RCMP.

I can't download form 5485 (Minors License application form).

Yes, that is done on purpose. You must call the Chief Firearms Office to obtain the form.

 What language is the course taught and written in? The course is taught and written in English. You cannot bring a translator. It is important that you understand this concept because we cannot give you any extra time or give you hints. We have to be fair to the others in attendance. Please read over the manual prior to the class because it will prepare you for what we will cover in class. There is a glossary in the back of the book as well. We will be reading and discussing the manual in class. 

Can you take PAL course online?

No. It is somewhat like your driving license. You need to demonstrate practical skills to a certified instructor in person. All you can do online is to find the course, enroll and to prepare for the course.


Is there an exam at the end of the PAL course?

Yes, the exam in case of CFSC will contain one quiz of 50 questions plus practical exam. In case of CRFSC there will be 2 quizzes 50 questions each.


What do CFSC/CRFSC exams contain of?

CFSC contains 1 theoretical test (50 questions) and 1 practical exam. CRFSC as well contains 1 theoretical test (50 questions as well) and a practical exam. At practical exams you will have to identify the types of firearms (you will be asked to pick up, say, semi-auto shotgun) and ammo. Also - to demonstrate that you can operate firearms safely. For example, you are told to pick up a semiautomatic shotgun. You should take the correct firearm and then ACTS & PROVE it. You are told to cross a fence with it, or to put it on the table. Every operation should incorporate ACTS & PROVEing the arm. Also, you will be asked to show stances and you will be asked questions and tasks about transporting and storing your firearms.



I'm interested in handguns only. Can I get a restricted PAL without non-restricted course?

No, to own restricted firearms you also have to know how to operate non-restricted firearms as well. To get your restricted PAL, you have to complete both CFSC and CRFSC.


If your PAL expires do you have to write test all over again?

No, your CFSC/CRFSC certificates are good forever. Theoretically you may even lose your safety training certificate, RCMP will still have that in their records. But you will have to use 5592 form instead of 5614.


What kind of firearms is Minor's License valid for?

Non-restricted rifles and shotguns.


My son has a Minor's License. Can he shoot my handgun?

Yes, he can provided that he is under your supervision. The legislation stipulates that the supervision must be direct and immediate, so you have to be at the port with him, close enough to guarantee safe use of the handgun.


What happens if I fail? You can repeat the testing within 7 days. After 7 days or if you fail a second time. you are required to sit in class again.  


How to notify RCMP about a change of address?

Today, probably, the best way is to use their online Change Of Address Service. Alternatively, you still can do that on the phone.